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The Dutreil regime and its new provisions

The Dutreil regime and its new provisions

Avril 2019

Created by Law No. 2003-721 of 1 August 2003 for economic initiative, the Dutreil regime, codified in Articles 787 B (fcorporate companies) and 787 C (sole proprietorship) of the French CGI, allows a party to benefit from a partial tax exemption of the value of company shares transferred by a gift or on death.

The legislature recently reaffirmed the economic importance of the Dutreil mechanism, which it described as “the main tax lever for the survival of the French economy”. This formula shows the importance of the stakes involved in this mechanism.

This dossier, co-written by Pascal JULIEN SAINT-AMAND and Chintana PANYA, outlines the contours of the mechanism, presents the relaxations introduced by the 2019 Finance Act, and the points of vigilance to which notaries must pay particular attention.

This study is only available in French.


Pascal JULIEN SAINT-AMAND - Althémis Paris


