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International: Lexunion newsletter n°26

International: Lexunion newsletter n°26

Octobre 2021

In this trimester’s  Lexunion newsletter :

  • Estate planning in France: the anachronistic return of the right to the reserved portion
  • Revision of company law & marriage for all in Switzerland
  • The Italian tax regime applicable to trusts: the new draft circular published by the Italian tax authority
  • Entry into force of the new property law in Belgium
  • The plenary of the Spanish constitutional court declares the unconstitutionality and nullity of the objective method for calculating the taxable base of capital gains tax

Althémis is a founding member of Lexunion, a network that brings together notaries public and lawyers, estate experts, in several countries worldwide to advise private individuals and businesses on legal and tax matters, both in their home countries and abroad.

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