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French sharing tax is not due on the preciput matrimonial advantage mechanism

French sharing tax is not due on the preciput matrimonial advantage mechanism

Juillet 2020

Over the last few years, the French tax authorities have more and more often claimed the application of the sharing (droit de partage) tax regime to the preciput matrimonial advantage which is an antenuptial settlement in favour of the surviving spouse. Sophie GONSARD, Claude BRENNER and Antoine BOUQUEMONT had to deal with this matter in the context of their liberal or professional activities. Due to a growing number of notices of adjustment by the French tax authorities, they wanted to share their experiences and reflections to the notary profession: the enforcement of the preciput provision does not constitute a sharing and neither does it constitute a taxable sharing operation on the basis of Article 746 of the French CGI or by analogy, contrary to what the French tax Administration argues.

This study is only available in French.


Sophie GONSARD - Althémis Le Vésinet


Le Vésinet
