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9th edition of the Rencontres Internationales Althémis

9th edition of the Rencontres Internationales Althémis

Septembre 2021

The 9th edition of the Rencontres Internationales Althémis which will take place on October 7th, will have as its theme: “Life insurance, trusts and separation of property: how to adapt one’s wealth planning in an international context”.

Bertrand SAVOURÉ and Pascal JULIEN SAINT-AMAND, the organizers, revisit the organization of this event and provide some details:

  • Why did they choose the subject of life insurance, trust and separation of property?
  • What are the main issues related to the international context?
  • What do you expect from the discussion with the foreign participants taking part in this day ?

This article is only available in French.


Pascal JULIEN SAINT-AMAND - Althémis Paris




Bertrand SAVOURÉ - Althémis Paris

Bertrand SAVOURÉ

